Chris Jordan Media launches for all the right reasons

Chris Jordan Media launches for all the right reasons

Learn more about the new collaborative independent company that focuses on the development of the radio broadcasting industry through consulting, e-Learning and more.

Author: CJM Editorial

Radio industry vet Chris Jordan has started a company to help shape and grow the radio broadcasting landscape through a variety of new ventures and projects. Chris Jordan Media, registered in 2017, focuses on creating opportunities for collaboration via key products and specialized services. The independent agency was started on the pillars of trust and integrity, with the hope that these values will filter through to each client and each project taken on board.

“I want to start pushing boundaries,” Managing Director Chris Jordan says. “Whether this is as part of consulting, training and development or in whichever venture we choose to tackle”. While largely focused on consulting, there is also a particular excitement about the growth of online learning in South Africa. e-Learning has in fact seen massive growth increases across the African continent, with Google recently revealing that they have been successful in educating one million young Africans as part of their 89 module online course promoting digital marketing skills development. Companies that are getting into the e-Learning space now are seen to be ahead of the curve and starting what looks to be an international shift in the global education model.

While still tight lipped on the subject, CJM has confirmed they will soon be launching a first series of online classes focused on radio training, in order to help shape a wide range of future and current broadcasters. Interested learners are encouraged to keep an eye on the Chris Jordan Media website and to subscribe to the company newsletter to learn more about when and where classes will be kicking off.

CJM hopes to eventually partner up with corporates in order to award bursaries to promising young people with big dreams across the broadcasting industry. This will be done in order to further develop radio skills and resources across the board. The company also wishes to provide existing and new products and services aligned with collaborators that share the same vision for awareness, development and exposure in the media industry.

“We’re taking things one day at a time,” Chris continues. “I’d like the company to grow steadily and organically into something that is sustainable in the long run. Being seen as a dependable industry leader with longevity five years from now would mean that we are on the right track and delivering on what we set out to do. It is and will always be a fluid process and I am looking forward to managing each obstacle along the way for the best possible outcome.”

Watch this space for big things from one of South Africa’s most promising new SME’s!

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