Radio 1 on 1: My personality on-air has changed. Isn’t this growth?

The short version of that answer is “No”.  But it’s all in the interpretation of that statement.

If you have this change happen because you changed a slot on air, it is most probable that the answer is “no”.  I’ve heard presenters change their entire persona just because they have changed time slots on radio, and they sound foolish.  This is mainly because they are playing the “who do you expect me to be” game with their listeners.  This is a problem that begins with your first slot your assigned to.  Yes, you have to become versatile to commit and blend into the ethos of that show, but you should never alter an ego to achieve this.

Listeners will eventually be confused with what you offer as a public server.  They won’t know who it is that they are connecting with sooner or later.

Growth, on the other hand, is organic.  Everyone is able to grow, both personally and professionally.  If the answer to “growth” is moving one step closer to becoming a practitioner – then encouragement is all that I wish for you.

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