Talk Radio Vitals

Ah, the exciting world of talk radio.  How exciting?  Well, in a world dominated by fake news and social media, it should get anyone’s goose going by knowing that you can tune into a show where factual information reigns supreme.  As much as music radio is the “end-goal” of fame and popularity to most radio presenters – talk radio has longevity.  Longevity when it comes to the everyday lifestyle of your listener.   This doesn’t take away any importance to what music radio offers their listeners.  It would be a cardinal sin to compare the two, so let’s not.

Back to talk radio.

We want to listen to talk shows and a host that is deeply infatuated by conversation.   Conversation that is relevant, informative, provocative and dynamic.  Current affairs will always be the first in your content choice, but make sure you don’t lose touch with what is happening around your listener’s street corner.  What are they worried about or aspiring for today?  Where are they spending their spare time and what are they doing?  What is happening in their world that the platform of radio can do to let them be heard?  Look at everything, from their personal lives to their shopping carts – and always develop content and shows that elevate what is, and what they want their lives to concede to.

Find out what is making their world tick and keep it going.

Here are some closing thoughts.

      • Being well-prepared.  In fact, borderline a case of being over-prepared.  Talk show hosts have to be ready for a number of things to go wrong – and rarely have no music break to save them.
      • Be sure that you have all your guests confirmed. Have a backup guest list just in case.
      • Be a conversation starter.  Let your links help the listener think on the topic at hand.  Give them a lot to think about. This can come from facts or opinions, what is trending or what might be unusual, but new thoughts on a subject matter.
      • Be inviting.  Listeners need to know that this is a welcomed platform for them to take part in, message and chat about with the show host and guests.
      • You can still be confident without being condescending.  Don’t alienate guests and listeners with an attitude that is poor.
      • Be respectful.  Yes. People will have different opinions than yours. Welcome them, and immerse the conversation further.

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