As we countdown the date to the release of Radio 1-on-1: 25 of the Most Asked Questions in Radio Broadcasting PART II, let’s start with snapshots of related subject matter.
You can download PART I HERE
I’m loving being in a reborn experimental phase of growth in my craft skills, where almost like an art movement, I’m tossing aside a lot of the conventional approaches to content creation, broadcasting methodologies, and general common day practices within our field.
As a final year broadcasting lecturer, I aim to push growth in compartmentalized steps for solid foundational growth in each of my students.
As a global community, we are currently trained to operate within “4 locked-down walls”, and there is justifiable, everyday pressures and stress that drain our creative process.
Take a step outside, leave your phone with all that access to digital content resources at home, go for a walk, and let the world around you rejuvenate, and inspire new and fresh ideas.
Also. Let the ideas flow freely. Don’t rate ideas, as good, great, bad, or vanilla. Exercise your muscle for content creation. And refine your ideas later.
Students were directed to film a flush of ideas as pairs for an average of 5 – 10 min, any thoughts, any discussions, as long as they were purposeful and had direction with meaningful contribution and commentary.
You can do this on your own, every day, any time of the day. Don’t “think it”, “SAY IT”. You have to exercise both your grasp of unique and engaging content, as well as compelling delivery.
Here is how it went.