Radio 1 on 1 Preview: Constructive Criticism of Your Programming Performance

Pay attention when you are being trained in broadcasting, because that training comes few and far between.  This makes the industry sound cold, but your programme manager will only have regular snoop sessions that have to do with feedback on your show.  The rest of it is up to you.

Evaluate your performance after every show.  Firstly, ask yourself whether you had any “magic moments”.  Magic Moments are times in the show that shone brighter than your regular great performances.  And they should be celebrated.  It’s important to hone in your accomplishments on air by seeing what you did and what was the essence of what it was that created a magic moment.  Magic moments are not supposed to happen in every hour of your show, and even to a large extent, not every day on your show.  Those that will culminate from producing, preparing and performing good radio.  And that is your aim for every hour of every show.  To make good radio.

Do the same crit for elements of your show that were mediocre or perhaps dismal.  See them as growth experiences that need to be corrected immediately.  Again, it is important for you to ask yourself why these elements of your show were anything but good, or great.  Focus on repairing this before trying anything gutsy.  People will hold it against you if you have done a bad show, and if you’re lucky, you will be able to redeem this either during that show or in the next that you host with better preparation.

Why is “mediocre”, the worst feedback you can get, or give yourself while criticising your show performance?

Because it is not memorable.  If the opinion of your show by a listener is that you are “mediocre”, meaning they don’t care whether you’re on or not, it is the same as experiencing career suicide.  So, dare to be great.

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