“Corporate Podcasting”… Why Your Company Needs this Profit, Now.

“Podcast” and “Revenue” are together known in popular opinion, for not having anything in common… If you’re like most companies, you struggle to keep your employees engaged. A study by Deloitte University Press found that 87% of organizations cite engagement as one of their top challenges. That explains why 3 out of 4 employees are open to or looking for …

Comic Book Karaoke SEASON 1 – a Chris Jordan Media Production

Comic Book Karaoke is the narrative of geek and fandom culture in a socio-political space that has fresh and new conversations. Chris Jordan hosts a variety of super-geeks and friends of the show through woman empowerment, LGBT representation, eccentric collecting, and diversity in pop culture representation. Super Geeks that join the show are Jonathan Harding, Kylie Cox, Michelle Huxtable, Theri …

Shifts and Trends in the South African Radio Industry

The South African radio industry is experiencing significant shifts, influenced by technological advancements and changing listener behaviors. To ensure your radio clock design remains effective and relevant, consider the following updated contexts: 1. Digital Integration and Online Streaming: 2. Audience Measurement Enhancements: 3. Content Diversification and Niche Markets: 4. Listener Engagement Strategies: 5. Advertising and Revenue Models: 6. Technological Innovations: …

A Workshop on Media Advocacy

Media advocacy involves the strategic use of mass media to support public policy initiatives. Grounded in community advocacy, its goal is to promote effective and healthy public policies. Recently, I conducted a workshop for the Malawian government focused on media advocacy, specifically addressing how to manage widespread cholera outbreaks in the country. This included developing the foundational strategies and frameworks …

The Telkom Radio Awards Winners

The winners of the 2024 Telkom Radio Awards were announced in Sandton on Saturday 30 November at an event attended by the radio and related industry. The Winners AFTERNOON DRIVE PRESENTER TYPE STATION NAME AWARDED CAMPUS VOW FM 88.1 RICARDO GENESIS COMMUNITY RADIO KHWEZI SAZISO DLAMINI PBS LESEDI FM ELIZABETH MOLEBOHENG MAOELA COMMERCIAL KFM 94.5 CARL WASTIE AFTERNOON DRIVE SHOW …

“Who’s Out There? A New Testament

Welcome to the second season of “Who’s Out There,” a podcast series about the individualistic quest in spiritual warfare. Theological paradigms are amongst the most progressive and justifiably volatile sects of progressive growth within our global civilization. In season 2, aptly named “A New Testament,” I sit down with academics, leaders, influencers, and the new era of religious journalists who …

Innovative Podcasting at No Cost

Podcasting is a “family” activity. In other words, anyone and everyone who would like to share their stories is allowed to do so. There is a global industry perspective that, to have an acceptable product, you have to spend a ton of money on equipment, studio time, production, and any other bells and whistles that make you a “professional”. Can …

“I’m Still Here” with Irene Fischer

Many years ago I interviewed a very close friend of mine, Irene, whom I started my radio broadcasting career journey alongside with, at Tuks FM. So this interview was right in the core pulse of my heart. I sat down with Irene to chat about one of the most impactful moments in her life, that completely changed, quite literally, everything. …

Chris Jordan Media Mentorship 2024 “Rising Star – Leo Love”

The Chris Jordan Media Radio Mentorship 2024 is in “go-mode”. Every year I select an outstanding, passionate, driven, and talented individual to be taught, directed, grown, and cultivated by myself. I expose them to various areas of brand building, content creation, professional cognition, time-management, exposure, and more, that helps build them as holistic broadcast media professionals. I have been working …

[Intra]preneuring For Your New Media Needs

All businesses and professionals can gain astounding opportunity outcomes by using a professional in the art of creative corporate immersion. An Intraprenerial, is a new colorful title that also, happens to exactly describe my rich experience, and effectively adaptable immersion strategies and action plans. Communication and its invaluable core contribution to a business’s success – isn’t just the skill of …

The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak

Welcome to a shockingly empowering new podcast series, “The First Lady of Germiston: Life According to the Chaotic Order of Viv Vermaak”. Viv is an award-winning spokesperson and acclaimed journalist with a heightened sense of existence, with a raw, truthful, and poetic approach to living life while embracing the chaos that surrounds you. In this mini-series, I seek to expose …

Who’s Out There? A Religious Podcast Series in the Quest of Spiritual Warfare

My name is Chris Jordan, and welcome to another of my thought-provoking, progressive podcast series called “Who’s Out There”, contributing to the world’s religious podcasts that add to the narrative of our faith. A belief system is what grounds our romantic view of self-actualization through the course of this life. Not only within our internal battles but within those we …

How to Start Your 1st Podcast?

@ComicConAfricaOfficial  hosted me this year with a session on “Geek Podcasting” on the 23rd of September 2023, at 11 a.m. in the Artist Alley. Through the next couple of videos, I will be adding some precursor tips and techniques to get you informed, empowered, and ready to roll with your 1st (or current) podcast journey. This video covers how to …